
Highways privacy notice

Our highways service is responsible for:

  • The management, maintenance and improvement of Barnet’s complex and vital highway network
  • Delivering major infrastructure improvements to enhance the roads and pavements via Highway Planning Obligations under Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and Highways Act 1980 as well as the Borough’s Network Recovery Plan
  • Providing highways advice and mitigation measures on the impact of development proposals
  • Processing of Statutory Orders under the Road Traffic Act; Highways Act and Town and Country Planning Act
  • Carrying out permitting and licensing functions to ensure that works on the network are carried out in a safe manner and congestion is minimised
  • Implementing schemes for accident reduction and prevention schemes from the Local Implementation Plan, Area Committees funds and Section 106 funds from developers
  • Developing highways strategies, policies and procedures to engage with councillors and stakeholders on schemes that require decisions
  • Working with schools, vulnerable road users and developers to create travel plans and carrying out road safety and cycling education, training and publicity.

Personal information collected

We only collect your personal information from you or from other sources when we have a clear and lawful reason and purpose for doing so.

When we handle and use your personal information, we adhere to the data protection principles outlined in the London Borough of Barnet (LBB) data protection policy.

Types of personal information we may collect:

  • identity (name, date of birth, gender, passport, national insurance number, family details)
  • contact (address, email address, telephone numbers)
  • technical (IP address)
  • social data (lifestyle, housing needs)
  • commercial services data (services used)
  • financial (bank account, payment card, transaction data, salary, benefits)
  • visual images, personal appearance and behaviour
  • business activities (employment, licences, and permits held)

We may collect some special or sensitive data from you, when we have a legal reason to do so. This data may include:

  • sexuality and sexual health
  • religious or philosophical beliefs
  • ethnicity
  • physical or mental health
  • trade union membership
  • political opinion
  • genetic/biometric data
  • criminal history

Who we share the information with

  • Council legal service
  • Judicial Agencies eg Courts
  • Local Planning Authority (the council is officially the Local Planning Authority)
  • Land Registry
  • Highways Authority
  • Transport for London
  • Insurance organisations
  • Other council services like Planning, Parking, Street Lighting, Highways Trees, Traffic Regulation, Social Services, Occupational Health

Legislation that applies

  • Local Authority Transport Regulation 1998 – Transport charges
  • Highways Act 1980 – Sections 177, to allow a part of a building to over, under or above the public highway 179
  • Highways Act 1980 – Section 184,  Vehicle crossings over footways and verges
  • Highways Act 1980 –139 for skips
  • Highways Act 1980 – Sections 38 developers request to adopt new roads & Section 278 developers to change a public highway as part of planning permission
  • Town & Country Planning Act 1990 – Sections 247 development orders by Secretary of State Section 253 procedure in anticipation of planning permission
  • New Roads & Street works Action 1991, Section 50, Section 171 and Traffic Management Act 2004 for street works
  • Health and Safety at Work Act 1974
  • Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 to regulate or restrict traffic
  • Transport Act 2000 for road user charges
  • Home Office Circular 3/1989 - The School Finance (England) Regulations 2008 (Road Safety GB)
  • School Crossing Patrol Service (Road Safety GB) guidelines November 2013
  • School Crossing Patrol Service Survival Guide (Road Safety GB) Summer 2011