
Barnet Council encourages residents to leave the car at home for Cycle to School Week


Cllr Rawlings with pupils from Sunnyfields Primary

Cllr Rawlings with pupils from Sunnyfields Primary

Barnet Council Leader, Cllr Barry Rawlings visited Sunnyfields primary school in Hendon this week (Wednesday 5 October) as year 4s received level 1 cycle training as part of Cycle to School Week.

Early this year the Council launched its anti-idling campaign, and this week continued its mission of improving air quality in the borough by encouraging more people to cycle. It is doing this by working with residents to reduce carbon emissions, and tackle traffic congestion while improving physical and mental health.

Speaking at the school, Cllr Rawlings said:

“Since declaring a climate emergency we’ve been working with Barnet’s residents to find out the best ways to take them on this journey with us.

“Today’s event is another reminder of the things we can do to help us care for the environment and improve the health of children across the borough.

“I’ve been really impressed by the skill and attitude of the young people I’ve met today. They understand why it’s so important to be active and travel by bike, or on foot whenever you can to help reduce harmful emissions from vehicles and improve the air we breathe.”

  • It is estimated that every year, air pollution causes up to 36,000 deaths in the UK. Poor air quality causes heart and lung diseases, it is linked to low birth weight and children’s lung development
  • Around half of London’s air pollution is caused by road transport
  • About 240,000 children in London have asthma and around one-third of cases are linked to air pollution

Sunnyfields primary school has been receiving level 1 cycle training for their Year 4 pupils during Cycle to School Week (3-7 October), delivered by the Council’s partners at Cycle Confident ltd.

Cycle parking at the school was also funded through cycle/scooter parking grants, and a pool bike grant of £1,000 and 6 balance bikes along with teacher training on delivering balance bike sessions provided by the Council. 

Barnet Council is committed to working together with local people, communities, and business across the borough, to become net zero carbon in Barnet by 2042, and for the council by 2030. To find out about the council’s cycling initiatives, or register your interest in the Cycle Confident Scheme visit:

Sunnyfields Year 4s

Sunnyfields Year 4s