
Freedom of Information Request

Planning Enforcement time extensions and S106 and Unilateral undertakings

Received: 12 January 2024

1) Over the past 10 years on how many occasions have the council formally extended to time for compliance pursuant to a request made to that end under s179 of the T&CPA 1990. Please provide brief details of such requests and the reasons for agreeing to it after due redaction of personal identifier.2) Can you please advise on the minimum maximum and medial charge made over the past 5 years by the council's legal team for negotiating and completing on a section 106 Agreement by way of Deed or Unilateral Undertaking.3) What is the hourly charge out rate of the operatives on the legal team in dealing with an agreement in 2 above.Look to hear from you within the 20 day statutory time frame.

Outcome / Documents

  • Response (information exempt) - application/pdf - Download