
Freedom of Information Request

Bus stops for route 384

Received: 8 February 2024

1. Are you still seeking to place bus stops along route 384, if so, where and what stage of planning/development is each stop at? Is there a timeline for implementation of these stops?2. Can you share the most recent designs for these stops that TfL mention you initially completed in 2021 (they were concept designs at that stage, but may now have progressed to detailed designs)?3. Please disclose presentations or minutes of any meetings with TfL regarding future bus network planning or service changes in Barnet, including discussion on conversion of Hail & Ride areas to fixed stops, within the last 6 months.(Clarification) Please kindly limit question three of the request to the following five routes: 113, 186, 221, 240, 251.If this revised question still does not meet the appropriate limit, please advise me and I will limit the scope of question 3 further.

Outcome / Documents

  • Response (some exempt) - application/pdf - Download