
Freedom of Information Request

JCOSS Admissions

Received: 22 February 2024

We wish to make enquiries in relation to the admission of children into JCoSS (Jewish Community Secondary School), which we understand is a school in respect of which the Local Authority controls admissions. We are instructed by a parent who alleges that the Local Authority has not complied properly with it's admissions criteria. In this respect we ask the Local Authority to please provide the following information: 1.In relation to the academic year 2023-24, and in respect of year 7 entrance, how many children entered into the unit attached to JCoSS who were not Jewish? Please specify the numbers. 2.How many Jewish children were irrespective refused a placement at the school and under what criteria were those children refused? 3.In relation to the academic year 2024-25, have places already been allocated by JCoSS or the Local Authority to year entrants? If so, please confirm the number of children who have received a place who are; (i)Jewish; (ii)not Jewish. (iii)Please provide the dates upon which those children were afforded a place. If children have not as yet been allocated a place, please confirm the Local Authority will apply the over-subscription criteria.

Outcome / Documents

  • Response (some not held) - application/pdf - Download