
Freedom of Information Request

Fair Access Protocol data

Received: 29 February 2024

1.The number of pupils who were moved to a different school under Fair Access Protocol (FAP) arrangements in your local authority area in the current academic year (2023/24) and in each academic year since 2018/19. Please provide a breakdown by year.2.The number of pupils who were subject to more than one move between schools under FAP arrangements in the current academic year (2023/24) and in each academic year since 2018/19. Please provide a breakdown by year.If possible, I would also appreciate it if you could provide the following additional information:*A breakdown of the reasons for FAP placements (e.g., exclusion, lack of suitable school place, etc.) for each year.*A breakdown of the age or year group of the pupils involved in FAP placements for each year.

Outcome / Documents

  • Response (all information to be supplied) - application/pdf - Download