
Freedom of Information Request

LBB selective licensing

Received: 27 February 2024

Under the FOI-Act, could you please provide me with all the information that you have in relation to the roll-out of selective-licensing in the Western wards of Barnet. By 'Western wards' I mean, those wards that on their Western boundary border on Harrow or Brent, plus the ward that includes Mill Hill Broadway + any wards between this + the boundary wards. There were some changes to the ward boundaries in the last 4years, that is why I have to refer to them (in this complicated manner) as Western wards. I believe the roll-out was rescheduled at least once.But I need the historic information as well as the current information, + the website was at least in the past providing false information. (E.g. the start-date was false.)Therefore, even if some of the information may have been on the website at various times, please do provide it here now after checking with the relevant department (which I believe is the HMO-department). My request is not limited to, but should definitely include, the following:Per ward/area,*the date the scheme was first scheduled to commence (+ if you have, please state the period of time from when to when this start-date was set or advertised --I will compare this to the screenshots that I have--),*the date(s) the scheme was subsequently re-scheduled to to commence (+ the period this applied),*the date the scheme is now scheduled to commence,*the reasons for each re-scheduling,*the definitions + esp. the conditions attached to selective-licensing (that at any point in time were published on the website or elsewhere by LBB, + as far as you have, the time period from when to when that was the case --because I believe there were changes to these too--),*the consultation responses (as far as this does not breach GDPR or the data-rights of those who submitted comments),*the LBB reports + committee decisions on selective-licensing, + the meeting-dates when this was on the agenda.

Outcome / Documents

  • FOI March 2024 (003) - application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document - Download
  • Response (all information to be supplied) - application/pdf - Download