
Freedom of Information Request

1 Ravenscroft Park Barnet EN5 4ND 23/4101/FUL

Received: 8 March 2024

I would like copies of communications Barnet Council received with regard to this application prior to the committee making its decision. This should include but not be limited to the letter from the care home solicitors regarding the restrictive covenant as referenced in the minutes of the meeting of the 28th; any correspondence with the care home/its agents or representative regarding neighbouring residents' concerns and potential conditions to the grant of permission; and copies of the amended scheme as referenced in the decision.

Outcome / Documents

  • 11715125 Attachment Consultation_Redacted - application/pdf - Download
  • 11715125 Attachment_Correspondence with Agent Redacted - application/pdf - Download
  • Response (some exempt) - application/pdf - Download