
Freedom of Information Request

Proposed zebra crossing in Barnet lane en5

Received: 25 March 2024

I would like to know how many responses Barnet council received for this proposed zebra crossing in Barnet lane en5I would like to know, out of the responses how many people objected and how many agreed with the proposal.I would also like to know how long these proposed works will take and when the works will start & conclude. The letter revived from Barnet council today is quite vague on the matter.I would also like to know how Barnet council came to this decision to implement the works as a priority over fixing the problems with the junctions of Westcombe drive on both Barnet lane & Fairfield way EN5.Could you please let me know how many complaints have been received regarding Westcombe drive & both junctions? Could you also let me know how many in comparison have been received regarding a new zebra crossing on Barnet Lane?Until these junctions are fixed, as well as these new proposed works starting, the issue will be more traffic & congestion for residents in the vicinity. It also becomes more dangerous for drivers & students coming from both Ark academy & TTA.So could you explain how the zebra crossing will improve traffic & congestion in the area and make it safer for everyone? I am not convinced by these proposals.What plans have you for Westcombe drive's disabled & impaired residents whilst these works are going ahead? They need clear access to Westcombe drive to collect and drop off students, which doesn't seem to concern Barnet council at all as their access has been impeded on most days of the week.

Outcome / Documents

  • Response (all information to be supplied) - application/pdf - Download