
Freedom of Information Request

Freedom Of Information request into school aged public health screening for Vision

Received: 15 April 2024

Hello, Please find attached questions to support a Freedom Of Information request into school aged public health screening for Vision, usually undertaken in reception year by school nursing, 0-19 health teams or orthoptist teams We are a Kent School Nursing service and are concerned that we have been seeing a rise in Vision failure rates in our school based public health screen. As such we are reaching out to colleagues in different areas to see if a similar trend has been seen elsewhere and to help us identify if this is a localised challenge or one more widely seen. This is a genuine query and therefore we are sharing our own data alongside this request for information to support transparency and openness. I confirm I am happy for my details to be shared with your lead for the programme if they have any direct queries and would like a conversation For any area who would be interested in the results of this data request, we are proposing to put in a virtual teams mtg to share data for those open to doing so. Please complete the attached data request and return to

Outcome / Documents

  • Email from - RE: Information request - application/pdf - Download
  • FOI 11946644 - School Aged vision screening final response - application/pdf - Download
  • Response (all information to be supplied) - application/pdf - Download