
Freedom of Information Request

FOI Contracts

Received: 8 April 2024

Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 i kindly request the following information:1. Could you provide a detailed breakdown of all payments made to Equans, Trojan Energy, and Three UK under the specified contracts?2. Details on all contracts Barnet Council has made with Equans, Trojan Energy, and Three UK from the year 2010 to the current date. This includes, but is not limited to, contract values, durations, scopes, and any evaluations or reports related to these contracts.3. How was the procurement process conducted for the contracts with Equans, Trojan Energy, and Three UK? Please include information on any tendering processes and selection criteria utilized.4. Were there any subcontractors involved in the execution of these contracts with Equans, Trojan Energy, and Three UK? If so, could you provide details about their roles and payments?5. Can you furnish information on the performance metrics or benchmarks set for the contracts with Equans, Trojan Energy, and Three UK? Additionally, please provide any performance evaluations conducted.6. What were the anticipated and actual public benefits or outcomes resulting from the contracts with Equans, Trojan Energy, and Three UK?

Outcome / Documents

  • Response (some exempt) - application/pdf - Download