
Freedom of Information Request

Section 106

Received: 1 May 2024

Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, I would like to request the following information pertaining to Section 106 agreements under the Town and Country Planning Act:1.The total number of Section 106 agreements between developers and the Council for each financial year since 2010.2.For the total number of planning obligations agreed under Section 106 since 2010, please provide the number of agreements that fall under each of the following categories:a.Delivered in line with S106 and to expectationsb.Expected to be delivered in full in due coursec.Delivered but with agreed changesd.Not delivered as agreede.Outcome unknown3.Of the total S106 agreements made between 2010 to present, the number that resulted in a financial payment to the Council instead of a building or construction obligation.4.Of financial contributions collected under Section 106, how much remains unspentI would like this information provided in an Excel spreadsheet or other digital document format if possible. If full information is not available, please provide partial information instead of a refusal.

Outcome / Documents

  • Response (some not held) - application/pdf - Download