
Freedom of Information Request

Council Tax debt Management & Arrears

Received: 20 May 2024

To whom it may concern,Hello, I hope you are well. My name is Jack and I am just writing to submit a Freedom of Information request to your authority with questions around council tax debt management and arrears. Here are the questions:3.Between 6th4.April 2023 and 5th5.April 2024, what guidelines did [LA NAME] follow when setting arrangements for constituents to pay Council Tax arrears? (YES/NO)6.The Council Tax (Administration and Enforcement) Regulations 1992e.The Council Tax (Administration and Enforcement) (Wales) Regulations 1998f. The National Standards for Enforcement Agentsr. Local Council Tax Support Schemesw. Income and Expenditure Assessmentsbb. Flexible Payment Arrangements4.Between 6th April 2023 and 5th April 2024, what industry standard tools did [LA NAME] use when assessing an individual's ability to repay Council Tax arrears? (YES/NO)c. Income and Expenditure Formsh.Budgeting Softwarel. Affordability Assessmentsq.Credit Reference Agenciesv.Debt Advice Servicesz. Legal Proceedings5.Between 6th April 2023 and 5th April 2024, what % of Council Tax was:c.Paid on time? g.Paid after internal chase activities?k.Collected by an enforcement agent?6.How much did [LA NAME] spend on collecting Council Tax arrears between 6th7.April 2023 and 5th April 2024. Can you also state the cost per method:c.Internal chase activitiesg.Enforcement agent7. Does [LA NAME] have its own internal enforcement department? (YES/NO)8. Between 6th April 2023 and 5th April 2024, did [LA NAME] use a benefits calculator to help residents in arrears maximise their income? If so, which tool?9.Between 6th April 2023 and 5th April 2024, did [LA NAME] use attachment of earnings for constituents to pay Council Tax arrears?Best wishes,

Outcome / Documents

  • Response (all information to be supplied) - application/pdf - Download