
Freedom of Information Request

What is the total number of pupils who are in receipt of free home to school transport

Received: 4 June 2024

1. What is the total number of pupils who are in receipt of free home to school transport (or whatever other name your authority may use for this)?2. Of this total number, how many of these pupils qualify for this provision under school distance or dangerous walking route rules?, and3. Of the total number from question 1, how many of these pupils qualify for this provision under arrangements from an SEN statement or EHCP?4. Of those pupils in question 2, how many, if any, are provided transport to or from a location other than their regular place of residence (i.e. to or from a breakfast club, after school club, childminder etc)5. Of those pupils in question 3, how many, if any, are provided transport to or from a location other than their regular place of residence (i.e. to or from a breakfast club, after school club, childminder etc)

Outcome / Documents

  • Response (some exceeds appropriate limit) - application/pdf - Download