
Adult care recruitment drive aims to attract Barnet residents into the sector


Care sector recruitment event on 23 February from 1pm to 3pm at Middlesex University, The Quad, NW4 4AX

Care sector recruitment event on 23 February from 1pm to 3pm at Middlesex University, The Quad, NW4 4AX

Barnet residents interested in exploring careers in the borough’s large adult care sector, are being invited to a recruitment event at Middlesex University on Wednesday 23 February.

Hosted by Barnet Council and BOOST, the fair is an opportunity for job seekers to meet with 20 different local employers, discuss opportunities and take the next steps to finding a new job in the care sector.

There will be a wide range of roles advertised including with care homes, supported living and home care providers. There will also be opportunities to sign up for ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) and accredited courses in care.

As an additional incentive to get workers into roles more quickly, there will also be a £200 added bonus for new starters before the end of March.

Cllr Sachin Rajput, Chairman of Barnet Council’s Adults and Safeguarding Committee said: “The importance of key workers and the crucial role they play has been highlighted immensely since the pandemic began.

"None more so than care workers and we want to ensure that the care businesses in our borough are well supported and staffed, and so events like this help make a difference.

“I would encourage anyone who might be interested in looking for a rewarding career in care to come along, talk to different employers and see what roles are on offer.”

In November, the council won a national award for the improvements it has made to increase the provision of care for the most vulnerable adults in the borough. This includes investment in new specialist facilities that will add extra capacity for more than 150 residents. The council is expanding its care workforce and giving all the training and skills they need, and with four other councils Barnet has secured £2m in funding to achieve this.

Natasha Gwynette, who has over 10 years’ experience of working in the care industry with adults and children said: “Working in care is one of the most rewarding jobs there is. As a carer you are vital to the people in your care. Being able to make others smile and feel safe is a beautiful thing.

“Throughout my career I had many opportunities to upskill and gain qualifications all paid for by the companies I worked for. It is definitely a job which allows you to grow and develop quite quickly with the right mind set. The skills you gain are invaluable and lend themselves to other career paths.

“You learn so much about yourself along the way and discover new abilities and aspirations whilst making a difference. I recommend that anyone who has the ability to empathise with others should take this journey with all of its great and wonderful prospects.”

Attendees will be able to apply for roles on the day, will be able to get help with CV’s and applications, as well as advice on preparing for an interview.

The fair runs between 1 – 3pm at Middlesex University at the Burroughs in Hendon.

Register for your free ticket here. For more information get in touch with BOOST call: 020 8359 2442 or email:

Glossary Title

Adult care recruitment drive aims to attract Barnet residents into the sector