
Being kind improves your mental wellbeing


Our Public Health team have drawn up some tips to help you improve your wellbeing through kindness this Mental Health Awareness Week.

Be kind to yourself and others this Mental Health Awareness Week

Be kind to yourself and others this Mental Health Awareness Week

By Dr Tamara Djuretic, Director of Public Health for Barnet Council

By Dr Tamara Djuretic, Director of Public Health for Barnet Council

Protecting our mental health during the Covid-19 pandemic is just as important as staying safe and alert to the threat of the virus. There is plenty of evidence to show that being kind – to yourself and to others – is highly beneficial to our mental wellbeing.

This is even more important now that we are living through these challenging times that test us in every way of our lives, including social interactions and relationships.

On a personal level, being kind and gentle to yourself can increase feelings of happiness, and boost your self-esteem, confidence and optimism.

Acts of kindness strengthen relationships with family and friends, develop deep community bonds, and create a sense of solidarity – that we might be apart but that we’re not alone.

There are many things that you can do to help others, which in turn can help you. Volunteering in your community can lead you to making new friends, reduce your sense of isolation, and create a sense of belonging.

The more you can do for others, the more you will increase your happiness and mental wellbeing.

10 things that make a big difference

By Seher Kayikci, Senior Health Improvement Specialist, Barnet Council

By Seher Kayikci, Senior Health Improvement Specialist, Barnet Council

Acts of kindness and compassion will improve your mental wellbeing and feelings of happiness, which will help you better cope with the stresses and strains that we’re all experiencing during the Covid-19 outbreak.

From residents singing on their balconies in Italy, to people clapping in their doorways for the NHS and key workers in the UK, there has been an inspiring amount of kindness seen around the world during these uncertain times.

Be kind to yourself

During the outbreak whilst helping others, it can be easy to forget about yourself. However, self-care is essential in maintaining healthy general wellbeing.

Here are some simple things you can do for yourself that can make a big difference:

  1. Make sure you find time for yourself and relax
  2. If you are working from home, try to take short breaks
  3. Go out for a walk, get some fresh air
  4. Do something you enjoy like listening your favourite music or watching a nice film
  5. Treat yourself to something small like buying or planting yourself some flowers

Being kind to others

Staying at home may be difficult but you can still carry out acts of kindness. These can be as big or small as you would like, the possibilities are endless!

Here are some simple things you can do for others that can make a big difference:

  1. Stay connected with others, call a friend who you haven’t spoken to for a while
  2. Ask if your neighbour needs any help with shopping
  3. Tell your family members how much you love and appreciate them
  4. Check on someone you know who is going through a tough time and maybe in need of company
  5. Make a donation to a charity close to your heart