
Changes to council’s Cabinet place greater focus on boosting economy and reducing poverty


Barnet Council Cabinet Members

Barnet Council Cabinet Members

The Leader of Barnet Council has announced changes to Cabinet portfolios to place greater emphasis on reducing poverty and boosting the local economy.

Revisions to the responsibilities held by the team of top decision-makers were confirmed during a meeting of the Annual Council on Tuesday (21 May).

The changes include the creation of a new post, Cabinet Member for Financial Sustainability and Reducing Poverty, and the strengthening of the Council Leader’s strategic role to focus on partnerships and the economy.

Leader of the Council, Cllr Barry Rawlings, said:

“These changes place a greater focus on the council’s drive to tackle poverty and inequality - a key priority that will see millions of pounds invested in some of the borough’s most disadvantaged areas - while ensuring financial sustainability and value for money for residents.

“They also highlight our commitment to supporting small businesses and promoting employment opportunities for residents from all backgrounds, with the aim of creating a strong local economy and thriving town centres.”

Below is a list of Cabinet members and their roles following the portfolio changes:

Leader, Cllr Barry Rawlings – Cabinet Member for Strategic Partnerships, Economy, and Effective Council

Deputy Leader, Cllr Ross Houston – Cabinet Member for Homes and Regeneration

Cllr Paul Edwards – Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care

Cllr Anne Clarke – Cabinet Member for Culture, Leisure, Arts, and Sport

Cllr Ammar Naqvi – Cabinet Member for Financial Sustainability and Reducing Poverty

Cllr Sara Conway – Cabinet Member for Community Safety and Resident Participation

Cllr Pauline Coakley Webb – Cabinet Member for Family Friendly Barnet

Cllr Alison Moore – Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing

Cllr Alan Schneiderman – Cabinet Member for Environment and Climate Change

Cllr Zahra Beg – Cabinet Member for Equalities, and the Voluntary and Community Sector

All Cabinet members have been reappointed and there are no changes to personnel.