
New leader of Barnet Council appointed – declares an immediate climate emergency


Councillor Rawlings makes his maiden speech as leader

Councillor Rawlings makes his maiden speech as leader

New leader of Barnet Council appointed – declares an immediate climate emergency

Councillor Barry Rawlings was officially appointed as the new Leader of Barnet Council at last night’s (Tuesday 24 May) Annual General Meeting at Hendon Town Hall.

Councillor Rawlings, who represents Friern Barnet ward, takes over leadership of the council under the new Labour administration. He follows Councillor Daniel Thomas who had been leader since 2019 during the Conservative administration before the local elections.

Councillor Ross Houston will serve as Deputy Leader. Committee positions were also appointed, including Chairs and Vice-Chairs.  Full details of which, will be available online in the coming days.

Following his appointment as Leader of Barnet Council, Councillor Barry Rawlings, said: “It is a great honour and a great pleasure to be elected as leader of Barnet Council. First of all, I would like to thank all of the Barnet residents who have put their faith in us to deliver our manifesto for a better Barnet.

“Secondly, I would like to wish Councillor Daniel Thomas the best and thank him for his service leading the council for the past three years.

“But now the work begins. We have a vision for a better Barnet, one that is clean, green and safe for all of our residents. One where people can earn a good living and afford to live near their friends and families.

“To achieve this, we will work to put sustainability and our communities at the heart of what the council does, ensuring everyone benefits from the proceeds of green growth, and no-one is held back.

“This will mean huge change, and tonight I have started us on that journey by declaring a climate emergency and committing to establishing a Citizens Assembly on Climate Change.

“We will also be doing all we can to reduce the impact of the cost-of-living crisis – starting with refunding residents the 1% council tax increase imposed in March.”

Councillor Rawlings has been a Councillor in Barnet since 1998 and the Leader of Barnet Labour group since 2015 and is a ward councillor for Friern Barnet.